Sam Spade: The Queen Bee Caper (EP4023)

Today’s Mystery:

A wealthy woman tries to get Sam to frame a private school teacher for theft.

Original Radio Broadcast Date:July 10, 1949

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  1 comment for “Sam Spade: The Queen Bee Caper (EP4023)”

  1. Elwood
    March 13, 2023 at 8:24 pm

    I really enjoyed this episode.very solid mystery.
    Just a few notes about some errors involving bees. Apitoxin, the venom of bee stings, contains no appreciable formic acid, which is primarily found in the venom of certain species of ants. Secondly, when the beekeeper says that the queen is always eventually deposed but the workers remain, that’s not entirely accurate. A queen will typically live for a couple years while workers live only for about six weeks as adults. It would be more accurate to say that the queen is always replaced but the colony remains.
    Anyway, love the podcast. Congratulations on leaving your day job to pursue what you love full time.

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