Tag: mystery

Dangerous Assignment: Stolen Computer Blueprints (EP4397)

Today’s Mystery: From the bustling streets of Oslo to the shadowy corners of Hamburg, Mitchell races against time to intercept a stolen set of top-secret blueprints before they fall into the wrong hands.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: May 20, 1953

Originated in Hollywood

Stars: Brian Donlevy as Steve Mitchell, Herb Butterfield as the Commissioner, Brian Donlevy, Dan Riss, GeGe Pearson, Herb Butterfield, Jan Arvan, Paul Frees, Tom Holland

Support the show monthly at https://patreon.greatdetectives.net

Patreon Supporter of the Day: Q, Patreon Supporter since March 2024

Support the show on a one-time basis at http://support.greatdetectives.net.

Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

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Give us a call 208-991-4783

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Dragnet: The Big Kill (EP4364)

Today’s Mystery:

Friday and Romero investigate the murder of a police officer in his home.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: March 2, 1950

Originating from Hollywood

Starring: Jack Webb as Sergeant Joe Friday; Barton Yarborough as Sergeant Ben Romero; Stacy Harris; Jack Kruschen; Herb Butterfield

Support the show monthly at patreon.greatdetectives.net

Patreon Supporter of the Day: Don, Patreon Supporter since October 2021

Support the show on a one-time basis at http://support.greatdetectives.net.

Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

Take the listener survey at http://survey.greatdetectives.net

Give us a call at 208-991-4783

Follow us on Instagram at http://instagram.com/greatdetectives

Follow us on Twitter @radiodetectives

Join us again on Monday for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

The Falcon: The Case of the Double Nephews

Les Damon

Today’s Mystery:

The manager of a jewelry concern calls in The Falcon when he’s accused of stealing thousands in jewels.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: October 22, 1950

Originating from New York

Starring: Les Damon as the Falcon

Support the show monthly at patreon.greatdetectives.net

Patreon Supporter of the Day: Gavin, Patreon Supporter Since November 2021

Support the show on a one-time basis at http://support.greatdetectives.net.

Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

Take the listener survey at http://survey.greatdetectives.net

Give us a call at 208-991-4783

Follow us on Instagram at http://instagram.com/greatdetectives

Follow us on Twitter @radiodetectives

Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Yours Truly Johnny Dollar: The Imperfect Alibi Matter, Episodes Four and Five (EP4309)

Bob Bailey

Today’s Mystery:

Johnny digs through a string of lies and conflicting accounts in trying to solve the murder of a wealthy young executive.

Original Radio Broadcast Dates: September 20 and 21, 1956

Originating from Hollywood

Starring: Bob Bailey as Johnny Dollar; Virginia Gregg; Tony Barrett; Shirley Mitchell; Will Wright; Chester Stratton; Ted de Corsia; Barney Phillips; Lillian Buyeff; Harry Bartell

When making your travel plans, remember http://johnnydollarair.com

Become one of our Patreon Supporters at patreon.greatdetectives.net

Thank you to our Patreon Supporter of the Day: Loren, Patreon Supporter Since September 2021

Take the listener survey at http://survey.greatdetectives.net

Give us a call at 208-991-4783

Follow us on Twitter @radiodetectives

Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

The Falcon: The Case of the Quarrelsome Quartet (EP4299)

Les Damon

Today’s Mystery:

After collecting the ransom from kidnapping a racketeer, four crooks have a falling-out that leads to murder.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: September 3, 1950

Originating from New York

Starring: Les Damon as the Falcon; Ken Lynch as Sergeant Corbett; Jackson Beck; Larry Haines

Support the show monthly at patreon.greatdetectives.net

Patreon Supporters of the Day: John and Kristine, Patreon Supporters March of 2018

Support the show on a one-time basis at http://support.greatdetectives.net.

Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

Take the listener survey at http://survey.greatdetectives.net

Give us a call at 208-991-4783

Follow us on Instagram at http://instagram.com/greatdetectives

Follow us on Twitter @radiodetectives

Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Dragnet: The Spring Street Gang (EP4298)

Todays Mystery:

Friday and Smith search for a juvenile gang that’s been committing burglaries, robberies, and rapes.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: December 1, 1949

Originating from Hollywood

Starring: Jack Webb as Sergeant Joe Friday; Barton Yarborough as Sergeant Ben Romero; Herb Butterfield

Support the show monthly at patreon.greatdetectives.net

Patreon Supporter of the Day: Rich, Patreon Supporter Since March 2020

Support the show on a one-time basis at http://support.greatdetectives.net.

Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

Take the listener survey at http://survey.greatdetectives.net

Give us a call at 208-991-4783

Follow us on Instagram at http://instagram.com/greatdetectives

Follow us on Twitter @radiodetectives

Join us again on Monday for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Yours Truly Johnny Dollar: The Curse of Kamashek Matter, Episodes Three, Four, and Five (EP4297)

Bob Bailey

Today’s Mystery:

Johnny plans to go to Egypt for the opening of the tomb of Kamashek.

Original Radio Broadcast Dates: September 5,6, and 7, 1956

Originating from Hollywood

Starring: Bob Bailey as Johnny Dollar; Paul Dubov; Alan Reed; Richard Crenna; Virginia Gregg; Ben Wright; Forrest Lewis; Eric Snowden; Barney Phillips; James McCallion; Les Tremayne

When making your travel plans, remember http://johnnydollarair.com

Become one of our Patreon Supporters at patreon.greatdetectives.net

Thank you to our Patreon Supporter of the Day: Daniel, Patreon Supporter Since March 2020

Take the listener survey at http://survey.greatdetectives.net

Give us a call at 208-991-4783

Follow us on Twitter @radiodetectives

Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Mr. Chameleon: The Dinner of Death Murder Case (EP4296)

Karl Swenson

Today’s Mystery:

A man is poisoned after a dinner prepared by his daughter and his wife, who are about the same age.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: March 23, 1949

Originating from New York City

Starring: Karl Swenson as Mister Chameleon

Support the show monthly at patreon.greatdetectives.net

Patreon Supporter of the Day: Nolan, Patreon Supporter Since April 2018

Support the show on a one-time basis at http://support.greatdetectives.net.

Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

Take the listener survey at http://survey.greatdetectives.net

Give us a call at 208-991-4783

Follow us on Instagram at http://instagram.com/greatdetectives

Follow us on Twitter @radiodetectives

Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Dangerous Assignment: Leak of Strategic Materials (EP4295)

Today’s Mystery:

Steve goes to Burma to the famous “Road to Mandalay” in order to stop a gang of robbers who are intercepting strategic supplies being sent by the U.S. to its allies in the Pacific.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: January 21, 1953

Originating in Hollywood

Starring: Brian Donlevy as Steve Mitchell; Herb Butterfield as the Commissioner; Ben Wright; Ramsey Hill; Vivi Janiss; Paul Frees; Alice Backes

Support the show monthly at patreon.greatdetectives.net

Patreon Supporter of the Day: Jeff, Patreon Supporter since October 2015

Support the show on a one-time basis at http://support.greatdetectives.net.

Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

Take the listener survey at http://survey.greatdetectives.net

Give us a call at 208-991-4783

Follow us on Instagram at http://instagram.com/greatdetectives

Follow us on Twitter @radiodetectives

Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Yours Truly Johnny Dollar: The Curse of Kamashek Matter, Episodes One and Two (EP4294)

Bob Bailey

Today’s Mystery:

The uncle of a wealthy heir calls Johnny in to protect his nephew, who wants to go on an expedition to Egypt to unearth the tomb of an Egyptian Pharaoh.

Original Radio Broadcast Dates: September 3 and 4, 1956

Originating from Hollywood

Starring: Bob Bailey as Johnny Dollar; Paul Dubov; Alan Reed; Richard Crenna; Virginia Gregg; Ben Wright; Forrest Lewis; Eric Snowden; Barney Phillips; James McCallion; Les Tremayne

When making your travel plans, remember http://johnnydollarair.com

Become one of our Patreon Supporters at patreon.greatdetectives.net

Thank you to our Patreon Supporter of the Day: Joel, Patreon Supporter Since July 2021

Take the listener survey at http://survey.greatdetectives.net

Give us a call at 208-991-4783

Follow us on Twitter @radiodetectives

Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

The Falcon: The Case of the Disappearing Doll (EP4293)

Les Damon

Today’s Mystery:

The leader of a gang of robbers hires The Falcon to find his girlfriend, who disappeared with $80,000 that they stole from a payroll.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: August 30, 1950

Originating from New York

Starring: Les Damon as the Falcon; Mandel Kramer

Support the show monthly at patreon.greatdetectives.net

Patreon Supporter of the Day: Russell, Patreon Supporter Since October 2016

Support the show on a one-time basis at http://support.greatdetectives.net.

Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

Take the listener survey at http://survey.greatdetectives.net

Give us a call at 208-991-4783

Follow us on Instagram at http://instagram.com/greatdetectives

Follow us on Twitter @radiodetectives

Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Dragnet: The Mother-in-Law Murder (EP4292)

Todays Mystery:

An elderly woman with an acrimonious relationship with her daughter-in-law is found murdered.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: November 24, 1949

Originating from Hollywood

Starring: Jack Webb as Sergeant Joe Friday; Barton Yarborough as Sergeant Ben Romero; Raymond Burr as Ed Backstrand, Chief of Detectives; Herb Butterfield as Lt. Lee Jones

Support the show monthly at patreon.greatdetectives.net

Patreon Supporter of the Day: Don, Patreon Supporter since October 2021

Support the show on a one-time basis at http://support.greatdetectives.net.

Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

Take the listener survey at http://survey.greatdetectives.net

Give us a call at 208-991-4783

Follow us on Instagram at http://instagram.com/greatdetectives

Follow us on Twitter @radiodetectives

Join us again on Monday for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Yours Truly Johnny Dollar: The Kranesburg Matter, Episode Three, Four, and Five (EP4291)

Bob Bailey

Today’s Mystery:

The investigation into a stolen pearl necklace becomes a murder.

Original Radio Broadcast Dates: August 29, 30, and 31, 1956

Originating from Hollywood

Starring: Bob Bailey as Johnny Dollar; Howard McNear; Forrest Lewis; Paul Richards; Mary Jane Croft; Virginia Gregg; James McCallion; Shirley Mitchell; Russell Thorson

When making your travel plans, remember http://johnnydollarair.com

Become one of our Patreon Supporters at patreon.greatdetectives.net

Thank you to our Patreon Supporter of the Day: Zandt, Patreon Supporter since February 2017

Take the listener survey at http://survey.greatdetectives.net

Give us a call at 208-991-4783

Follow us on Twitter @radiodetectives

Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Mr. Chameleon: The Firebug Murder Case (EP4290)

Karl Swenson

Today’s Mystery:

A grocery store owner is found dead in a fire, but he had been shot to death.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: March 16, 1949

Originating from New York City

Starring: Karl Swenson as Mister Chameleon

Support the show monthly at patreon.greatdetectives.net

Patreon Supporter of the Day: Haskell, Patreon Supporter since August 2015

Support the show on a one-time basis at http://support.greatdetectives.net.

Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

Take the listener survey at http://survey.greatdetectives.net

Give us a call at 208-991-4783

Follow us on Instagram at http://instagram.com/greatdetectives

Follow us on Twitter @radiodetectives

Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Dangerous Assignment: The Blue Lion (EP4289)

Today’s Mystery:

Steve goes to London to root out a phony passport racket. His only clue? A seven-year-old newspaper.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: January 14, 1953

Originating in Hollywood

Starring: Brian Donlevy as Steve Mitchell; Herb Butterfield as the Commissioner; Virginia Gregg; Ben Wright; Don Morrisson; Dan O’Herlihy

Support the show monthly at patreon.greatdetectives.net

Patreon Supporter of the Day: Susan, Patreon Supporter since October 2018

Support the show on a one-time basis at http://support.greatdetectives.net.

Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

Take the listener survey at http://survey.greatdetectives.net

Give us a call at 208-991-4783

Follow us on Instagram at http://instagram.com/greatdetectives

Follow us on Twitter @radiodetectives

Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.