Day: December 24, 2023

Christmas Carols for Christmas Seals (AWR0237)

Amazing World of Radio

John Charles Thomas and the Chaffey College Symphonic Choir perform traditional Christmas carols in support of Christmas Seals.

Original Air Date: Decenver 5, 1949

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Dragnet: The Big Little Jesus (Video Theater 262)

Friday and Smith try to recover a stolen statue of the child Jesus for a church before the Christmas Mass.

Original Air Date: December 24, 1953

Season 3, Episode 17

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Campbell’s Playhouse: There’s Always A Woman (Encore) (EP4268e)


Orson Welles

A private detective (Orson Welles) decides to give up on his one-man agency and go back to his job with the DA, but his wife is determined to make the agency work and finds herself investigating a murder case that makes life difficult for her husband.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: December 17, 1939

Originating from Hollywood

Starring: Orson Welles; Marie Wilson; Richard Wilson; Everett Sloane; Mary Taylor; Frank Readick

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.