Day: February 4, 2019

Listener’s Choice Voting Now Open

The Listener’s Choice voting is now open. You can vote in our standard division poll by clicking here. After voting in that poll, you should be redirected to our short division poll , if not you can reach it by clicking here. The top twenty in the standard division and the top five in the short division will win and be played as Listener’s Choice selections. For more details on past results and how this process works, click here.

EP2739: Mister Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons: The Silver Candlestick Murder Case

So lost, I'm fading

photo credit: Greyframe So lost, I’m fading viaphotopin (license)

An actor/model goes to a house for a job, decides to leave, and then is murdered with a silver candlestick.

Original Air Date: March 13, 1952

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