In Cat Among the Pigeons trouble is brewing at a posh girl’s boarding school Poirot visits as a favor to the headmistress, an old friend of Poirot’s. The murder of a truly horrid physical education instructor named Grace Springer puts the school in a state of a crisis and as more murders follow, parents panic.
Poirot has to solve a case that not only involves international intrigue but also a disappearing princess of an unstable nation.
Cat Among the Pigeons is a delightful Poirot mystery. While I wouldn’t put it up there with the very best episodes, it’s easily worth the hour and a half to watch it. The film has everything you can reasonably expect: great acting from the entire cast, solid writing, and a tangled web of lies that Poirot skillfully untangles to uncover the truth and solve the murder.
Rating: 4.0 out of 5.0
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