Well, we’ve been collecting Listener Surveys since the show started and even though I’ve not mentioned them for a while, they’ve accumulate at a nice pace. So who’s listening? What type of folks are interested in Old Time Radio Detectives? A few quick facts:
- Men make up a solid majority of our listeners: Our listener base is 64% Male, but this is quite a bit less than the 71% male listener base over on Dragnet.
- The Audience is well-educated: 60% of the Audience has at least a Bachelor’s degree with 29% having post-graduate degrees.
- The Audience is a mix of ages: One would expect that most listeners would be people reliving the days they’d heard radio. While some are, the numbers suggest that there are plenty of younger listeners. 47% of the listeners were under 45 and 96% are under 65. This means we’re bringing old time radio to a new generation, as well as a few who are reliving it. This would seem to suggest that there’s a future in the past.
- Where in the World: Blubrry tracks where our downloads are coming from. Most (90.6%) come from the U.S. However, our neighbors to the North contribute 6.2% of the downloads, followed by the U.K. at 1.8%, also showing up for downloads this month are Australia, Japan, Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, Switzerland, and Sweden,
- Popular Shows: The shows rank as follows: 1) Johnny Dollar, 2) Box 13, 3) Jeff Regan, 4) Let George Do it, 5) Sherlock Holmes.