Old Time Radio Podcasts I’d Like to Do
I’ve got a 6-day a week producing Great Detectives of Old Time Radio podcast, and the seasonal Amazing World of Radio. In the past, I’ve done Old Time Radio Superman and “The War,” a World War II themed podcast.
However, the world of old time radio is more vast and there’s a lot of interesting topics and ideas to cover. Others have done some of it with Andrew Rhymes’ Old Time Radio western and the Old Time Radio Comedy podcast, and there’s also Virtual Vinny’s I Love Old Time Radio podcast. And there’s still more ground to cover.
I doubt I’ll ever have the time to do all of these, but here are a few ideas I’ve had for podcasts over the years. If I don’t do them, maybe someone else will do these hosted podcasts.
1) Old Time Radio Science Fiction:
Idea: Weekly old time radio Sci-Fi show
What Would be Covered: There would be a mix of sci-fi anthology shows (Dimension X, X Minus One, Exploring Tomorrow, 2000 Plus, Tales of Tomorrow) and also programs that are not strictly Science Fiction but have some Sci Fi episodes (Escape, Suspense, Lux Radio Theater, and Theater Five.) I’d also look into an ongoing series to determine what might make for good entertaining Science Fiction.
2) Old Time Radio Adventure
Idea: Weekly old time radio adult adventure show
What Would be Covered: Voyages of the Scarlet Queen, Bold Venture, and the Scarlet Pimpernel. The show would be a mix of ongoing series and anthology programs such as Escape, Suspense, and Lux Radio Theater. I’d start out by doing the first 18 episodes of Voyage of the Scarlet Queen and then do eight weeks of anthology programs and return for the second part of Voyages of the Scarlet Queen. The non-Mystery, non-Western series that I have in mind are a rare niche in terms of ongoing programs.
3) Family and Kids Old Time Radio Program:
Idea: Weekly or twice weekly program focusing on Old Time Radio for kids and family programming. The idea would be to have a program that kids and families could come together and listen to.
What Would be Covered: Greatest Story Ever Told, Doctor Christian, Family Doctor, Doctor Kildare, and Mayor of the Town. Essentially, the idea would be to bring people the sort of heartwarming, life-affirming drama, and gentle humor. Again, we’d mixed in some anthology program episodes that fit within the general theme.
When I think about this, I also think about incorporating a specific kids program or serials that hold up well over time. I’d find something that kids could enjoy but that adults would not find insufferable to listen to.
4) Old Time Radio Abbott and Costello
Idea: A weekly podcast featuring every Abbott and Costello radio appearance.
What Would be Covered: Abbott and Costello, Abbott and Costello Children’s program, as well as all of the programs they made guest appearances on. Seeing all those reaction videos recently reminded me of how much I love this team. They’ve been a part of my life since my childhood and I’d love to pass their work on to whoever would listen.
I’d love to do a video podcast along with which would essentially be Colgate Comedy Hour episodes and their two public domain movies Africa Screams and Jack and the Beanstalk
5)The Snozcast
Idea: A podcast featuring every old time radio appearance of Jimmy Durante.
What Would be Covered: The Jumbo Fire Chief Show, Comedy Caravan (with Garry Moore), the Jimmy Durante show, and all his guest appearances.
I didn’t get introduced to Jimmy Durante as a kid, but that guy is so fun, lovable, and wacky. He has many great radio bits and has great chemistry with everyone he appears with from Al Jolson to Fred Allen.
6) OTR Sleep
Idea: A podcast to help people sleep more.
What Would be Covered: Hour of Charms, Words with Music, Music from the House of Squibb
Many people listen to the Great Detectives of Old Time Radio to go to sleep. In fact, it has ended up on a quite a few best podcasts to go to sleep to lists. Yet I think we can do better, particularly for the folks who don’t find murder mysteries relaxing.
There are old time radio programs that are literally a relaxing voice reading gentle poetry while soft music plays in the background. My job would be to seek out the sleep-inducing programs and play them.
I can’t image doing this every week. Recording it would put me to sleep, after all. But maybe off and on for a few years until we have a 100 episodes.
Programs I’d Like to See Someone Else Do
I think it’d be great to have more Old Time Radio music programs where shows are played and commentary given about the songs and such. I know this isn’t for me as my ability to talk about music is very much limited.
However, there are so many topics to cover such as classical, 1940s pop music, swing and jazz music. There could be a whole series on the Railroad Hour, which adapted Broadway musicals. Someone has to cover the great music and horrible life lessons that show taught each week.
Which program of the six I listed would you want me to do? Do you have any other ideas for podcast you’d like to see done? Please feel free to leave a comment here or on our social media pages.