Category: Syndicated

Bulldog Drummond: Murder Visits Venus (EP4420)

Today’s Mystery:

Denny spots a woman in a crinoline dress hanging from the flagpole of an office building.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: March 19, 1945

Originating in New York:

Starring: Ned Wever as Bulldog Drummond; Luis Van Rooten as Denny

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Patreon Supporter of the Day: Kerry, Patreon Supporter since November 2018

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Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Dr. Tim, Detective: The Mystery of the Roller Coaster Ride and Adventures in Research: The Health Detective (EP4348)

Today’s 1st Mystery:

A visit to the carnival is soured by the presence of an old-school seller of snake oil. It’s made even worse when Dr. Tim has to investigate a death.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: Early to Mid 1950s

Originating in Colorado

Starring: Bob Hahn as Dr. Tim


Today’s Second Mystery:

Dr. John Snow, the Health Detective, sets out to solve the mystery of a cholera epidemic in London.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: June 17, 1952

Host: Paul Shannon

Originating in Pittsburgh

Support the show monthly at

Patreon Supporter of the Day: Alex, Patreon Supporter Since August 2020

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Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Police Headquarters: KO’d and Infiltrating the Mob (EP4322s)

Today’s Episodes:

Episode 18:

A police captain takes in a night at the fights and finds himself in the middle of a murder investigation when the winning boxer drops dead.

Episode 20:

An officer goes undercover in hopes of recovering uncut diamonds stolen from a jewelry store.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: 1932

Support the show monthly at

Patreon Supporter of the Day: Tommy, Patreon Support Since August 2022

Support the show on a one-time basis at

Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

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Give us a call at 208-991-4783

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Guest Star Detective Double Feature (EP4166s)

Today’s First Story: Basil Rathbone sets up an office as a radio detective, with Kenny Delmar as his bumbling sidekick.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: July 24, 1947

Today’s Second Story: A key witness in a Distict Attorney’s (Robert Preston) racketeering case is murdered on his doorstep while leaving an important clue behind.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: March 18, 1951

Programs Originated from New York and Hollywood

Starred: Basil Rathbone, Kenny Delmar, Robert Preston, Barbara Fuller, Peter Leeds

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Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Philo Vance: The Muddy Murder Case (EP4158)

Today’s Mystery: Vance investigates an impossible murder. A gangster was killed in a house surrounded by mud but no footprints were found inside.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: July 4, 1950

Originated in: New York City

Starred: Jackson Beck as Philo Vance, George Petrie as District Attorney Markham

Today’s program was provided by Radio Archives. Email to get a free audiobook, a free ebook, and free old time radio collection.

Listerners to the GDOTR can get 50% off on a subscription to receive 600 transcription transfers per month for the next five years through Radio Archives. You can try a sample month for $59.98 (proceeds go to the Great Detectives of Old Time Radio) and support the Great Detectives of Old Time Radio at this link.

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Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Philo Vance: The Argyle Murder Case (EP4152)

Today’s Mystery:

An actor is found murdered on a ferry boat wearing a pair of argyle socks that doesn’t match the rest of his outfit.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: June 27, 1950

Originated in: New York City

Starred: Jackson Beck as Philo Vance, George Petrie as District Attorney Markham

Today’s program was provided by Radio Archives. Email to get a free audiobook, a free ebook, and free old time radio collection.

Listerners to the GDOTR can get 50% off on a subscription to receive 600 transcription transfers per month for the next five years through Radio Archives. You can try a sample month for $59.98 (proceeds go to the Great Detectives of Old Time Radio) and support the Great Detectives of Old Time Radio at this link.

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Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Philo Vance: The Prize Ring Murder Case (EP4146)

Today’s Mystery:

A boxer’s manager is killed during a prize fight.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: June 20, 1950

Originated in: New York City

Starred: Jackson Beck as Philo Vance, George Petrie as District Attorney Markham

Today’s program was provided by Radio Archives. Email to get a free audiobook, a free ebook, and free old time radio collection.

Listeners to the GDOTR can get 50% off on a subscription to receive 600 transcription transfers per month for the next five years through Radio Archives. You can try a sample month for $59.98 (proceeds go to the Great Detectives of Old Time Radio) and support the Great Detectives of Old Time Radio at this link.

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Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

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Give us a call at 208-991-4783

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Philo Vance: The Full Dress Murder Case (EP4140)

Today’s Mystery:

A homeless woman is found murdered in full evening dress.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: June 13, 1950

Originated in: New York City

Starred: Jackson Beck as Philo Vance, George Petrie as District Attorney Markham

Support the show monthly at

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Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

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Give us a call at 208-991-4783

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Philo Vance: The Alibi Murder Case (EP4134)

Today’s Mystery:

Vance and Markham investigate the murder of a man after they hear the murder over the phone.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: June 6, 1950

Originated in: New York City

Starred: Jackson Beck as Philo Vance, George Petrie as District Attorney Markham

Today’s program was provided by Radio Archives. Email to get a free audiobook, a free ebook, and free old time radio collection.

Listerners to the GDOTR can get 50% off on a subscription to receive 600 transcription transfers per month for the next five years through Radio Archives. You can try a sample month for $59.98 (proceeds go to the Great Detectives of Old Time Radio) and support the Great Detectives of Old Time Radio at this link.

Link to YouTube Video demonstrating Magic Moneymaker Machine.

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Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

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Give us a call at 208-991-4783

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Follow us on Twitter @radiodetectives

Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Philo Vance: The Whirlaround Murder Case (EP4122)

Today’s Mystery:

Philo investigates the murder of a carnival concessions operator.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: May 30, 1950

Originated in: New York City

Starred: Jackson Beck as Philo Vance, George Petrie as District Attorney Markham

Today’s program was provided by Radio Archives. Email to get a free audiobook, a free ebook, and free old time radio collection.

Listerners to the GDOTR can get 50% off on a subscription to receive 600 transcription transfers per month for the next five years through Radio Archives. You can try a sample month for $59.98 (proceeds go to the Great Detectives of Old Time Radio) and support the Great Detectives of Old Time Radio at this link.

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Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

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Give us a call at 208-991-4783

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Philo Vance: The Money Machine Murder Case (EP4116)

Today’s Mystery: A man who created a fake money-making machine was murdered.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: May 23, 1950

Originated in: New York City

Starred: Jackson Beck as Philo Vance, George Petrie as District Attorney Markham

Today’s program was provided by Radio Archives. Email to get a free audiobook, a free ebook, and free old time radio collection.

Listerners to the GDOTR can get 50% off on a subscription to receive 600 transcription transfers per month for the next five years through Radio Archives. You can try a sample month for $59.98 (proceeds go to the Great Detectives of Old Time Radio) and support the Great Detectives of Old Time Radio at this link.

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Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Philo Vance: The Manicure Murder Case (EP4110)

Today’s Mystery: A dying chemistry Professor requests a manicure even though he’d been fatally wounded.

Original Radio Broadcast Date:May 16, 1950

Originated in: New York City

Starred: Jackson Beck as Philo Vance, George Petrie as District Attorney Markham

Today’s program was provided by Radio Archives. Email to get a free audiobook, a free ebook, and free old time radio collection.

Listerners to the GDOTR can get 50% off on a subscription to receive 600 transcription transfers per month for the next five years through Radio Archives. You can try a sample month for $59.98 (proceeds go to the Great Detectives of Old Time Radio) and support the Great Detectives of Old Time Radio at this link.

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Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Philo Vance: The Whistling Murder Case (EP4098)

Today’s Mystery:

Vance investigates a series of murders committed by a whistling killer who tries to extort money from his wealthy victims.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: May 9, 1950

Originated in: New York City

Starred: Jackson Beck as Philo Vance, George Petrie as District Attorney Markham

Today’s program was provided by Radio Archives. Email to get a free audiobook, a free ebook, and free old time radio collection.

Listerners to the GDOTR can get 50% off on a subscription to receive 600 transcription transfers per month for the next five years through Radio Archives. You can try a sample month for $59.98 (proceeds go to the Great Detectives of Old Time Radio) and support the Great Detectives of Old Time Radio at this link.

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Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

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Give us a call at 208-991-4783

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Philo Vance: The Rooftop Murder Case (EP4092)

Today’s Mystery:

A man falls from a roof, leaving behind a suicide note. Vance suspects murder.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: May 2, 1950

Originated in: New York City

Starred: Jackson Beck as Philo Vance, George Petrie as District Attorney Markham

Today’s program was provided by Radio Archives. Email to get a free audiobook, a free ebook, and free old time radio collection.

Listerners to the GDOTR can get 50% off on a subscription to receive 600 transcription transfers per month for the next five years through Radio Archives. You can try a sample month for $59.98 (proceeds go to the Great Detectives of Old Time Radio) and support the Great Detectives of Old Time Radio at this link.

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Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

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Give us a call at 208-991-4783

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Philo Vance: The Shoeless Murder Case (EP4086)

Today’s Mystery:

Multiple beauty contest contestants are found murdered with their shoes missing.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: September 27, 1949

Originated in: New York City

Starred: Jackson Beck as Philo Vance, George Petrie as District Attorney Markham

Today’s program was provided by Radio Archives. Email to get a free audiobook, a free ebook, and free old time radio collection.

Listerners to the GDOTR can get 50% off on a subscription to receive 600 transcription transfers per month for the next five years through Radio Archives. You can try a sample month for $59.98 (proceeds go to the Great Detectives of Old Time Radio) and support the Great Detectives of Old Time Radio at this link.

Support the show monthly at

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Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

Take the listener survey at

Give us a call at 208-991-4783

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Follow us on Twitter @radiodetectives

Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.