Day: November 14, 2023

Yours Truly Johnny Dollar: The Midas Touch Matter, Episodes One and Two (EP4234)

Bob Bailey

Today’s Mystery:

Johnny is sent to Nevada, where three retired investment bankers were killed at a cave-in in a mine in which they’d invested. A local insurance agent suspects murder.

Original Radio Broadcast Dates: July 2 and 3, 1956

Originated from Hollywood

Starring: Bob Bailey as Johnny Dollar; Virginia Gregg; Johnny Jacobs; Herb Butterfield; Parley Baer; Barney Phillips, Shepard Menken; Roland Winters

Sponsored by Green Archer Comics, makers of the new Yours Truly Johnny Dollar Comic Book series. You can buy the first issue and help crowdfund the second issue at

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.