Month: January 2023

Dr. Tim, Detective: Poisoner at Large and the Man from Hiroshima (EP3976)

Today’s 1st Mystery:

Doctor Tim is called to find out what’s behind a series of food poisonings.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: April 24, 1950

Today’s 2nd Mystery:
X-Rays that Dr. Tim needs for the District Attorney keep being ruined.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: May 15, 1950

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Sam Spade: The Bouncing Betty Caper (EP3975)

Today’s Mystery:

Sam is hired to protect a wealthy young woman who claims her life is endangered by her mentally unstable brother and their scheming psychiatrist stepfather.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: December 12, 1948

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Dangerous Assignment: The Manger Story (Video Theater 240)

The son of a man who knows the truth about a lecture circuit spy ring disappears from a Swiss boarding school and steve has to find the missing boy.

Original Release Date: Fall 1951

Season 1, Episode 5

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Tales of the Texas Rangers: Dream Farm (EP3974)

Today’s Mystery:

A couple moving to Texas from Iowa are killed, and their 12 year-old son is shot in a car-jacking gone wrong.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: March 9, 1952

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Yours Truly Johnny Dollar: The Jeanne Maxwell Matter (EP3973)

John Lund

Today’s Mystery:

An insured young woman dies by falling off a bridge. The police and Johnny believe it was murder.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: July 20, 1954

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Philo Vance: The Identical Murder Case (EP3972)

Today’s Mystery:

A doppelganger for Philo Vance collapses dead at the DA’s office after being killed by a gang whose leader tolerates no mistakes.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: December 27, 1949

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Dangerous Assignment: Chromite Mine Disaster (EP3971)

Today’s Mystery:

Steve is sent to the Balkans to find out what’s behind a series of murders at an allegedly cursed chromite mine.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: September 6, 1950

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Dr. Tim: The Dog Who Did and Didn’t and The Chest of Dynamite (EP3970)

Today’s 1st Mystery:

A woman has an unexplained case of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in winter.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: March 27, 1950

Today’s 2nd Mystery:

Dr. Tim, Jill, and Sandy find a sick child at a forest cabin.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: April 17, 1950

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Sam Spade: The Quarter Eagle Caper (EP3969)

Today’s Mystery:

Sam is hired by a gumball magnate to find out who has been breaking his machines, leaving the money, and stealing the gumballs.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: November 28, 1948

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Tales of the Texas Rangers: The Ice Man (EP3968)

Today’s Mystery:

Jace searches for an icepick-wielding burglar who steals food from his victims first.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: March 2, 1952

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Streaming Review: The Glass Onion

A multi-billionaire (Edward Norton) throws a murder mystery party for his closest associates (played by an all-star cast of Kate Hudson, Dave Bautista, Kathryn Hahn, and Leslie Odom,Jr.). Everyone is surprised when his estranged business partner (Janelle Monae) shows up, along with the world’s greatest detective, Benoit Blanc (Daniel Craig), who also starred in the previous film (Knives Out).

The setting, location, and all-star cast are evocative of the great Agatha Christie adaptation films starring Peter Ustinov, particularly Evil Under the Sun. There are some really solid performances, most notably Craig, who really shines in every moment on-screen. Also, the film features welcome cameos by the late Angela Lansbury and Stephen Sondheim, which are sadly brief, but relevant to the plot.

The film is not the equal of its predecessor for a number of reasons.

As a matter of personal taste, I didn’t find setting the story in the midst of the pandemic to be in good taste. It has minor relevance to the plot but wasn’t essential. There’s a reason why the flu pandemic of 1918 was practically forgotten in the public consciousness until COVID-19 hit. It wasn’t a great time to live through and people would rather forget it. This isn’t to say that the pandemic should never be on film, but this is a classic case of “too soon”, particularly for a mystery movie that should have an escapist feel to it. Featuring masks and even having a scene on CNN with mounting death tolls and cases cuts against that.

The movie has a twist that’s revealed more than an hour in that leads the story to cut back and recontextualize some previous scenes. I’ve seen this technique used before but not in a mystery film. I’m not opposed to it, but I think it takes too long in this film and hurts the pacing. It’s also a case where the new context leads to scenes that are less entertaining and interesting than the ones in the original context.

The film also has a problem with its characterization. I blame social media and the illusion it creates, that we “know” people, including famous people, from their Instagram posts and Twitter accounts. In The Glass Onion, it feels less like human beings are getting together and more like social media profiles are. This surface-level characterization shows up in a well-worn plot element being introduced, and again with an even more tired method of saving one character’s life, a method that had been debunked on Mythbusters more than a decade ago. The plot would make this a fitting subject for a YouTube series such as How It Should Have Ended or Pitch Meeting.

Add to that an ending that leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and I really left with a less-than-stellar viewing experience, despite some high points. I loved Knives Out (review here) but I have mixed feeling about The Glass Onion. It left me pessimistic about getting good detective movies in the 2020s .

Rating: 3 out of 5


The Glass Onion is available to streem for free on Netllix.

Yours Truly Johnny Dollar: The Carboniferous Dolomite Matter (EP3967)

John Lund

Today’s Mystery:

Johnny is called to Sumatra by an oil man, who wants him to protect a test oil well, in exchange for which the oil man will relinquish a $60,000 insurance claim.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: July 13, 1954

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Philo Vance: The Chop Suey Murder Case (EP3966)

Today’s Mystery:

Philo Vance investigates a series of robberies in Chinatown that have led to one murder.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: December 20, 1949

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Dangerous Assignment: Recover Stolen Missile Plan Microfilm (EP3965)

Today’s Mystery:

Steve is sent on a chase across Great Britain and Ireland to try and locate stolen microfilm.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: August 30, 1950

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Dr. Tim, Detective: The Man from Trouble Creek and the Second Alarm (EP3964)

Today’s 1st Mystery:

Dr. Tim searches for a missing man with tuberculosis.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: March 13, 1950

Today’s 2nd Mystery:

Jilly and Sandy are caught setting a fire in a vacant lot and then are blamed when a real fire nearly kills a man.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: March 20, 1950

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