Tag: Ted de Corsia

Dangerous Assignment: Picking up a Bomb (EP4421)

Today’s Mystery: Steve is called to Saigon when a reporter tried to blackmail him into carrying a suitcase containing a bomb.

Original Radio Broadcast Date:July 8, 1953

Originated in Hollywood

Stars: Brian Donlevy as Steve Mitchell, Herb Butterfield as the Commissioner, Jack Moyles, Jan Arvann, Hal Girard, Ted de Corsia

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Patreon Supporter of the Day: Robert, Patreon Supporter since March 2024

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Yours Truly Johnny Dollar: The Imperfect Alibi Matter, Episodes Four and Five (EP4309)

Bob Bailey

Today’s Mystery:

Johnny digs through a string of lies and conflicting accounts in trying to solve the murder of a wealthy young executive.

Original Radio Broadcast Dates: September 20 and 21, 1956

Originating from Hollywood

Starring: Bob Bailey as Johnny Dollar; Virginia Gregg; Tony Barrett; Shirley Mitchell; Will Wright; Chester Stratton; Ted de Corsia; Barney Phillips; Lillian Buyeff; Harry Bartell

When making your travel plans, remember http://johnnydollarair.com

Become one of our Patreon Supporters at patreon.greatdetectives.net

Thank you to our Patreon Supporter of the Day: Loren, Patreon Supporter Since September 2021

Take the listener survey at http://survey.greatdetectives.net

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Yours Truly Johnny Dollar: The Imperfect Alibi Matter, Episodes One and Three (EP4306)

Bob Bailey

Today’s Mystery:

Johnny is called in when a young business executive’s window is shattered by a bullet while he’s driving.

Original Radio Broadcast Dates: September 17 and 19, 1956

Plot details on Episode 2 from The Who Is Johnny Dollar Matter, Volume 1 by John Abbott (Affiliate link)

Originating from Hollywood

Starring: Bob Bailey as Johnny Dollar; Virginia Gregg; Tony Barrett; Shirley Mitchell; Will Wright; Chester Stratton; Ted de Corsia; Barney Phillips; Lillian Buyeff; Harry Bartell

When making your travel plans, remember http://johnnydollarair.com

Become one of our Patreon Supporters at patreon.greatdetectives.net

Thank you to our Patreon Supporter of the Day:Susan, Patreon Supporter Since October 2018

Take the listener survey at http://survey.greatdetectives.net

Give us a call at 208-991-4783

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.