Tag: Shepard Menken

Broadway’s My Beat: Nick Norman, Santa Claus (EP4577)

Larry Thor

Today’s Mystery:

On Christmas Eve, a recently released convict who’s set to play Santa Claus at a Police Athletic League club Christmas party is taken away in a big car by mobsters.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: December 24, 1949

Originating in Hollywood

Starring: Larry Thor as Lieutenant Danny Clover; Charles Calvert as Sergeant Gino Tartaglia; Howard McNear; Gil Stratton; Shepard Menken; Peggy Webber; Hal March; Bert Holland; Estelle Dodge

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Patreon Supporter of the Day: Rory, Patreon Supporter since October 2019

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Yours Truly Johnny Dollar: The Loss of Memory Matter (EP4477)

Bob Bailey

Today’s Mystery:

Johnny is hired to deliver an archaeological treasure to a museum.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: June 2 1957

Originating from Hollywood

Starring: Bob Bailey as Johnny Dollar; Les Tremayne; Parley Baer; Shepard Menken; Joseph Kearns; Barney Phillips; Tom Hanley

When making your travel plans, remember http://johnnydollarair.com

Become one of our Patreon Supporters at https://patreon.greatdetectives.net

Thank you to our Patreon Supporter of the Day: Bill, Patreon supporter since November 2020

Take the listener survey at http://survey.greatdetectives.net

Give us a call at 208-991-4783

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Yours Truly Johnny Dollar: The Suntan Oil Matter (EP4429)

Bob Bailey

Today’s Mystery:

Johnny goes to Palm Springs to investigate the theft of a $75,000 necklace owned by the wife of a wealthy wildcat oilman.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: March 10, 1957

Originating from Hollywood

Starring: Bob Bailey as Johnny Dollar; Barbara Eiler; Paula Winslowe; Forrest Lewis; Frank Nelson; Sam Edwards; Austin Green; Shepard Menken

When making your travel plans, remember http://johnnydollarair.com

Become one of our Patreon Supporters at patreon.greatdetectives.net

Thank you to our Patreon Supporter of the Day: Robert, Patreon Supporter Since July 2022

Take the listener survey at http://survey.greatdetectives.net

Give us a call at 208-991-4783

Follow us on Twitter @radiodetectives

Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.