Tag: Mr. and Mrs. North

Mr. and Mrs. North: Till Death Do Us Part (Video Theater 287)

The Norths are going to celebrate their anniversary when a sinister bride doll is delivered and they find themselves investigating another murder.

Original Air Date: October 10, 1952

Season 1, Episode 2

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Mr. and Mrs. North: Dime a Dance (EP4620)

Joseph Curtain and Alice Frost

Today’s Mystery:

A dancer at a dance hall gets Pam to come to her apartment by claiming that Jerry was in love with her.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: March 7, 1950

Originating from New York City

Starring: Joseph Curtain as Jerry North; Alice Frost as Pamela North

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Support the show monthly at https://patreon.greatdetectives.net

Patreon Supporter of the Day: Jenny, Patreon supporter since December 2023.

Support the show on a one-time basis at http://support.greatdetectives.net

Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Mr. and Mrs. North: The Milkman’s Ring (EP4602)

Joseph Curtain and Alice Frost

Today’s Mystery:

The Norths’ car breaks down and they end up catching ride with a milk wagon, only to be robbed by a man with a gun who breaks all the milk bottles in the wagon.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: July 15, 1947

Originating from New York City

Starring: Joseph Curtain as Jerry North, Alice Frost as Pamela North

Support the show monthly at https://patreon.greatdetectives.net

Patreon Supporter of the Day: April, Patreon supporter since February 2017.

Support the show on a one-time basis at http://support.greatdetectives.net.

Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

Take the listener survey at http://survey.greatdetectives.net

Give us a call at 208-991-4783

Follow us on Instagram at http://instagram.com/greatdetectives

Follow us on Twitter @radiodetectives

Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Mr. and Mrs. North: Pam Keeps Out of Trouble (EP4566)

Alice Frost

Today’s Mystery:

With Jerry out of town, Pam tries to help a hapless reformed gambler quit his job at a gambling den and finds herself caught up in a murder investigation.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: August 9, 1944

Starring: Alice Frost as Pamela North

Support the show monthly at https://patreon.greatdetectives.net

Patreon Supporter of the Day: William, Patreon supporter since February 2016

Support the show on a one-time basis at http://support.greatdetectives.net.

Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

Take the listener survey at http://survey.greatdetectives.net

Give us a call at 208-991-4783

Follow us on Instagram at http://instagram.com/greatdetectives

Follow us on Twitter @radiodetectives

Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Mr. and Mrs. North: The Norths Go to the Dogs (EP4536)

Joseph Curtain and Alice Frost

Today’s Mystery:

The Norths go to the dog show, where Pam is mistaken for a countess, and she and Jerry are both kidnapped.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: February 2, 1944

Originating from New York City

Starring: Joseph Curtain as Jerry North; Alice Frost as Pamela North

Support the show monthly at https://patreon.greatdetectives.net

Patreon Supporter of the Day:Sergey, Patreon supporter since May 2020.

Support the show on a one-time basis at http://support.greatdetectives.net.

Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

Take the listener survey at http://survey.greatdetectives.net

Give us a call at 208-991-4783

Follow us on Instagram at http://instagram.com/greatdetectives

Follow us on Twitter @radiodetectives

Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Mr. and Mrs. North: The Missing Sparkler (EP4524)

Joseph Curtain and Alice Frost

Today’s Mystery:

While on a train, a beautiful bracelet appears in the Norths’ compartment, and then disappears.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: Sometime in 1943

Originating from New York City

Starring: Joseph Curtain as Jerry North; Alice Frost as Pamela North

Support the show monthly at https://patreon.greatdetectives.net

Patreon Supporter of the Day: Sergey, Patreon Supporter since May 2020

Support the show on a one-time basis at http://support.greatdetectives.net.

Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

Take the listener survey at http://survey.greatdetectives.net

Give us a call at 208-991-4783

Follow us on Instagram at http://instagram.com/greatdetectives

Follow us on Twitter @radiodetectives

Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Mr. and Mrs. North: Murder by the Book (EP4506)

Joseph Curtain and Alice Frost

Today’s Mystery:

The uncle of an aspiring author pulls a gun on Jerry and is shot in the scuffle. He’s found dead from a knife wound.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: March 2, 1943

Originating from New York City

Starring: Joseph Curtin as Jerry North; Alice Frost as Pamela North; Maurice Tarplin as Lieutenant Bill Weigand

Support the show monthly at https://patreon.greatdetectives.net

Patreon Supporter of the Day: Shannon, Patreon Supporter since January 2023

Support the show on a one-time basis at http://support.greatdetectives.net.

Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

Take the listener survey at http://survey.greatdetectives.net

Give us a call at 208-991-4783

Follow us on Instagram at http://instagram.com/greatdetectives

Follow us on Twitter @radiodetectives

Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Book Review: The Norths Meet Murder

This is the first Mr. and Mrs. North mystery novel by Richard and Frances Lockridge and was published in 1940. It would start a Mr. and Mrs. North mystery franchise that would include numerous books, a play, a movie, more than a decade on the radio, and two seasons on television.

Pamela North gets permission from her landlady to host a party in a vacant apartment upstairs. However, the Norths were shocked to find a naked body in the bathtub. (I guess the Lockridges figured if it worked for Dorothy Sayers…)

The police are called in and Lieutenant Weygand of the NYPD proceeds to investigate. One of the in the most surprising thing about the book is that for most of it, the Norths have very little to do with the proceedings. The bulk of the book is Weygand carrying on an investigation, making very little progress, and then coming for a visit to the Norths, during which Pam gives Weygand a helpful clue or hint to carry the investigation forward.

The Norths had actually been created by Mister Lockridge for some light comedy short stories and this book tosses them into the middle of a murder mystery, so that’s why they aren’t sleuthing.

The story avoids being stupid or annoying at any point, but at the same time seems to ride a tide of okayness throughout. The only annoying thing is the Lockridges’ habit of expositing dialogue and by that I don’t mean something that summarizes some information that’s too tedious to review. (ex: She spent four hours discussing her hat.) But rather information that could just as easily be quoted, (ex: He told her that he would be back tomorrow.) They do this a lot.

However, the book gets really good in the last couple of chapters when Pam decides to throw a dinner party for the suspects and finally realizes who the murderer is. It was a surprisingly tense and suspenseful climax that’s a really nice payoff for the entire book.

Overall, it’s not bad. While all the supporting characters are flat, the leads are enjoyable enough. If you listened to the radio show or watched the TV shows and were curious about how the Mr. and Mrs. North mystery franchise got started, this will give you the answer. Still, I have to imagine that given the sheer number of books in this series that there were better books in it than this one.

Rating: 3.25 out of 5

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Three Old Time Radio Detective Shows That Could be Rebooted in the 21st Century

Most old time radio programs work in part because of the era they’re set in. For most programs, trying to update them to modern times would be silly. Taking Philip Marlowe, Barrie Craig, Nick Carter, or Candy Matson out of their original contexts wouldn’t make sense.

Of course, it’s always possible to do a period piece. Although modern period pieces often suffer from creators deciding they need to transport twenty-first-century sensibilities back into historical periods.

However, some old time radio detective programs could be made well set in modern times, with a few tweaks thrown in:

1) Box 13

The original concept: 1940s series starring Alan Ladd. The reporter and mystery writer Dan Holiday places an ad in the paper, “Mystery wanted, will go anywhere, do anything.” A few episodes in, Dan hired a secretary named Susie. It seems she had undiagnosed inattentive-type ADD, which unfortunately got her dismissed as ditzy at the time.

Twenty-first Century updates: He would post his ad online and receive replies to an email address with “Box 13” sneaked into it believably. He could be an adventure blogger who posts about his adventures and lives on Patreon income and Google AdSense revenue. Also, Susie could be portrayed as not being so dumb while steering clear of making her a Mary Sue.

2) The Big Guy

The original concept: 1950s radio series starring John Calvin as a widowed single father raising his two kids on his own while also being a private detective.

Twenty-First Century Update: I always thought the original concept of the show had a lot of unrealized potential. Probably the most important thing would be to pick a tone. The surviving episodes vary too much. Some try to be adult crime dramas, while others would have appealed more to kids. I would propose making it a good family show with some comedy and the kids stumbling into his cases.

3) Mr. and Mrs. North

The original concept: A publisher and his wife solve mysteries together.

Twenty-First Century update: It’s been too long since we have a loving mystery-solving couple. Tampering would be minimal. Pam and Jerry are already equal partners in the mystery-solving department. Listening to the radio programs or watching TV episodes, it’s a coin flip as to who’ll provide the solution.

She could have a separate career that leaves plenty of time for sleuthing, such as a photo blogger. Whoever wrote it would need to be careful to avoid turning her into the  “Strong Independent Woman” stock character that has replaced the damsel in distress. Pam North’s portrayal on radio and TV is witty, resourceful, funny, and fairly well-balanced. That should be maintained in any adaptation.

Honorable Mention: Night Beat

The original concept: Reporter Randy Stone roams the night in Chicago in search of stories. He writes mostly human interest tales of the best and worst of humanity in the night. Randy has a touch of cynicism, but also a lot of compassion and morality which motivates him. He’s part philosopher, as he paints broad pictures of humanity through each encounter.

Twenty-First Century update: Wouldn’t Work.

Night Beat makes a tempting target for a Twenty-First Century reboot. However, I don’t think it can be updated successfully.

Randy Stone is at the heart of the series. Unlike Box 13, you couldn’t just have him writing for a blog. He also couldn’t still be working on a newspaper.

If there were ever reporters who were close to Randy Stone, they’ve gone extinct. In the last sixty-five years, people have become more cynical about the press, and the press has become more cynical about people.

Reporters want to bring change but through partisan reporting that brings about systemic societal change. Randy Stone’s goals were nonpartisan: to be a decent person and to call other people to be decent too, regardless of politics. His nonpartisan perspective no longer flies in modern journalism. It may have been a bit fanciful in 1950. In 2018? Totally unrealistic.

The only thing a TV or radio creator could do with a modern-day Night Beat would be to ruin it by making it partisan. This would probably happen even if it was attempted as a period piece.

However, I welcome reader comments on the programs I’ve mentioned as well as any others that you think might (or might not) work with a modern day reboot.

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