Tag: John Dehner

Yours Truly Johnny Dollar: The Doubtful Dairy Matter (EP4573)

Bob Bailey

Today’s Mystery:

Johnny is called in to investigate a fire that destroyed a silo at a dairy ranch.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: September 9, 1957

Originating from Hollywood

Starring: Bob Bailey as Johnny Dollar; Paul Dubov; Will Wright; John Dehner; Harry Bartell; Parley Baer; Forrest Lewis

When making your travel plans, remember http://johnnydollarair.com

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Escape: The Red Forest (EP4496s)

Special brought to you by the request of Chief of Detectives Patreon Fats

Today’s Story:

A motorist finds himself trapped in a Western wildfire.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: August 2, 1953

Originating in Hollywood

Starring: William Conrad as Wally; Georgia Ellis as Jan; Parley Baer; John Dehner; Jay Novello; Tom Tully

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Patreon Supporter of the Day: Fats, Patreon Supporter since May 2024

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Yours Truly Johnny Dollar: The Wayward Truck Matter (EP4471)

Bob Bailey

Today’s Mystery:

Johnny investigates when a truck hauling a shipment of copper tubing, and its driver, go missing.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: May 26, 1958

Originating from Hollywood

Starring: Bob Bailey as Johnny Dollar; Forrest Lewis; John Dehner; Junius Matthews; Stacy Harris; Jack Kruschen

When making your travel plans, remember http://johnnydollarair.com

Become one of our Patreon Supporters at https://patreon.greatdetectives.net

Thank you to our Patreon Supporter of the Day: Eliza, Patreon Supporter since July 2021

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Yours Truly Johnny Dollar: The Kirbey Will Matter (EP4411)

Bob Bailey

Today’s Mystery:

Johnny goes to a Lake Mojave resort to investigate the suspicious death of a fishing guide.

Original Radio Broadcast Date: February 3, 1957

Originating from Hollywood

Starring: Bob Bailey as Johnny Dollar; Virginia Gregg; Barney Phillips; Shirley Mitchell; Stacy Harris; Carleton Young; Forrest Lewis; Frank Nelson; John Dehner

When making your travel plans, remember http://johnnydollarair.com

Become one of our Patreon Supporters at https://patreon.greatdetectives.net

Thank you to our Patreons Supporter of the Day:Shaun, Joey, and Vincent, Patreon Supporters since June 2019

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Yours Truly Johnny Dollar: The Markham Matter (EP4357)

Bob Bailey

Today’s Mystery:

Johnny goes to San Francisco because a high value company client has seemingly disappeared and her husband is acting suspicious.

Original Radio Broadcast Dates: November 18, 1956

Originating from Hollywood

Starring: Bob Bailey as Johnny Dollar; Lois Corbett; Frank Nelson; Virginia Gregg; Bert Holland; Paula Winslowe; John Dehner

When making your travel plans, remember http://johnnydollarair.com

Become one of our Patreon Supporters at patreon.greatdetectives.net

Thank you to our Patreon Supporters of the Day:Joe, Tom, and Carol Ann-Supporting the Podcast since April 2019

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Yours Truly Johnny Dollar: The Silent Queen Matter, Episodes Three, Four, and Five (EP4345)

Bob Bailey

Today’s Mystery:

It turns out a murdered penny arcade owner was the long-thought-dead husband of a silent movie queen. That’s the first of many lies Johnny has to sort through to find the truth.

Original Radio Broadcast Dates: October 31, November 1 and 2, 1956

Originating from Hollywood

Starring: Bob Bailey as Johnny Dollar; Paula Winslowe; Virginia Gregg; Vic Perrin; Paul Dubov; Frank Gerstle; John Dehner; Lawrence Dobkin; Chester Stratton

When making your travel plans, remember http://johnnydollarair.com

Become one of our Patreon Supporters at patreon.greatdetectives.net

Thank you to our Patreon Supporter of the Day: Peter, Patreon Supporter since April 2020

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Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Yours Truly Johnny Dollar: The Silent Queen Matter, Episodes One and Two (EP4342)

Bob Bailey

Today’s Mystery:

Johnny Dollar goes to Venice, California to investigate the murder of a penny arcade operator who named a silent movie star as his beneficiary.

Original Radio Broadcast Dates: October 29 and 30, 1956

Originating from Hollywood

Starring: Bob Bailey as Johnny Dollar; Paula Winslowe; Virginia Gregg; Vic Perrin; Paul Dubov; Frank Gerstle; John Dehner; Lawrence Dobkin; Chester Stratton

Also a discussion of all the possible origins of the phrase, “The Real McCoy”

When making your travel plans, remember http://johnnydollarair.com

Become one of our Patreon Supporters at patreon.greatdetectives.net

Thank you to our Patreon Supporter of the Day: Jesse, Patreon Supporter since March 2016

Take the listener survey at http://survey.greatdetectives.net

Give us a call at 208-991-4783

Follow us on Twitter @radiodetectives

Join us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio.

Radio’s Most Essential People Countdown: #80-#76

Previous Posts: 81-8586-9091-9596-100

80) Arthur Godfrey

Arthur Godfrey redefined the role of radio announcers, bringing a warm, friendly, and folksy style to announcing that stood in contrast to the strict formality of many announcers. He was well-known as a morning talk show on Arthur Godfrey Time (which continued even after the golden age of radio had ended.) His human touch made him a winner with audiences, perhaps most notably his emotional reaction to the funeral procession of President Roosevelt. In addition, he was noted as the host of Arthur Godfrey’s Talent Scouts, which quickly became America’s most popular amateur program.

79) Les Damon

Les DamonFew men landed on as many detective shows as Les Damon. He was Nick Charles in the Thin Man, The vast majority of existing Falcon recordings feature Damon. He was also Inspector Mark Sabre on ABC’s Mystery Theater,  the second Pat Abbott in NBC’s Adventures of the Abbotts, and the last Captain Kennelly on 21st Precinct. He also worked in the daytime soaps, starring in the The Right to Happiness. In addition to this, Damon made appearances in the Sci-Fi Anthologies Dimension X and X Minus One.

78) John Dehner

John Dehner had only one series lead prior to 1958. In 1958, he starred in two programs. In February, he began in Frontier Gentleman and that ended November 16th and on November 23rd he played Paladin on radio’s Have Gun Will Travel and would remain for more than two years. Dehner also starred in CBS 1952 Mystery program The Judge and auditioned for the lead in Fort Laramie. However,  Dehner’s career was ultimately defined by the countless hundreds of character roles he played from Philip Marlowe to Gunsmoke  and Lassie.  Dehner’s deep voice resonated with radio audience regardless of where it was placed. When Rod Serling made Zero Hour, the first of several radio revival attempts in the 1970s, Dehner played the lead role in the first series.

77) Robert Ripley

Ripley’s Believe it Or Not was perfect radio. For 18 years from 1930-48 Ripley brought radio listeners weird facts and oddities from around the world. Ripley took full advantage of radio’s theater of the mind as in longer version, dramatic re-enactments of the strange but true stories would be done, much to the delight of radio listeners.

76) Robert Young

Robert YoungRobert Young was best known as Jim Anderson on Father Knows Best which got its iconic start over radio in 1949. However, he was far more than that. As a film actor, he appeared in 100 films. Over radio, he took on countless roles in a variety of genres. He appeared frequently on the Lux Radio Theater. He was a  host of Maxwell House’s popular variety show The Good News of 1939.  He appeared on Suspense and of course, The Family Theatre. Young also hosted two radio dramas for the Episcopal Church in the late 1950s and early 1960s called The Witness and The Search. Throughout his career, he remained one of America’s best loved entertainer and his long radio resume reflects that.

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