Tag: boy

Video Theater 174: I’m the Law: O Solo Mio

Lieutenant Kirby befriends a boy whose father was murdered. Season 1, Episode 14

Original Air Date: May 15, 1953

EP2549: Rocky Jordan: The Baksheesh Boy

Jack Moyles

A beggar boy takes refuge in the Cafe Tambourine and then disappears.

Original Air Date: January 16, 1949.

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Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715


EP2481: Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons: The Case of the Boy Who Used Big Words

So lost, I'm fading

photo credit: Greyframe So lost, I’m fading viaphotopin (license)

A boy comes to Mr. Keen concerned about his uncle’s strange behavior. Mr. Keen doesn’t take the case and the boy’s uncle is murdered and the boy disappears.

Original Air Date: February 10, 1944

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EP1837: Yours Truly Johnny Dollar: The Jimmy Carter Matter

Bob Bailey
Johnny is called by a boy who claims to have a clue to a murder and arrives in town to find the boy is missing.

Original Air Date: March 29, 1959

When making your travel plans, remember http://www.johnnydollarair.com