Category: Keen and Company

EP2553: Mister Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons: Murder and the Star of Death

So lost, I'm fading

photo credit: Greyframe So lost, I’m fading viaphotopin (license)

Mister Keen sets out to to find out who stole a fabulous jewel and murdered its owner

Original Air Date: June 9, 1949

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Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

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EP2547: Mister Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons: The Case of the Glamorous Widow

So lost, I'm fading

photo credit: Greyframe So lost, I’m fading viaphotopin (license)

A woman asks Mister Keen to try to find who murdered her employer, a thirty-year-old, beautiful, rich woman.

Original Air Date: May 23, 1946

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Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

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EP2541: Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons: The Strange Case of Charlie Lorimer

So lost, I'm fading

photo credit: Greyframe So lost, I’m fading viaphotopin (license)

A woman’s fiance disappears, as does her old boyfriend.

Original Air Date: November 29, 1945

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Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

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EP2535: Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons: The Case of the Absent-Minded Professor

So lost, I'm fading

photo credit: Greyframe So lost, I’m fading viaphotopin (license)

A young woman is suspected when her mother is poisoned leaving her a fortune.

Original Air Date: March 15, 1945

Support the show monthly at

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Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

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EP2529: Mister Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons: The Nightmare Murder

So lost, I'm fading

photo credit: Greyframe So lost, I’m fading viaphotopin (license)

The only clue Mister Keen has to help him locate a missing man is his daughter’s nightmare of him being involved in a murder.

Original Air Date: December 14, 1944

Support the show monthly at

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Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

EP2523: Mister Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons: The Case of the Frightened Child

So lost, I'm fading

photo credit: Greyframe So lost, I’m fading viaphotopin (license)

Mister Keen helps out in the case of a boy whose been struck speechless and no one knows who he is.

Original Air Date: November 16, 1944

Support the show monthly at

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Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

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EP2517: Mister Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons: The Case of the Woman in Blue

So lost, I'm fading

photo credit: Greyframe So lost, I’m fading viaphotopin (license)

An Air Force Lieutenant on leave meets a woman at the party and then she mysteriously disappears.

Original Air Date: June 15, 1944

Support the show monthly at

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Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

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EP2511: Mister Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons: The Case of the Leaping Dog

So lost, I'm fading

photo credit: Greyframe So lost, I’m fading viaphotopin (license)

An abandoned dog leads Mister Keen to a search for the dog’s missing owners.

Original Air Date: April 13, 1944

Support the show monthly at

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Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

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EP2505: Mister Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons: The Case of the Strange Display

So lost, I'm fading

photo credit: Greyframe So lost, I’m fading viaphotopin (license)

A hated window dresser is found murdered in his own display. The fiancée of the prime suspect asks Keen to bring him home.

Original Air Date: March 16, 1944

Support the show monthly at

Support the show on a one-time basis at

Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

EP2499: Mister Keen, Tracer of Lost Person: The Case of Murder in the Air

So lost, I'm fading

photo credit: Greyframe So lost, I’m fading viaphotopin (license)

A woman comes to Mr. Keen because she’s afraid someone’s trying to kill her.

Original Air Date: February 24, 1948

Support the show monthly at

Support the show on a one-time basis at

Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

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EP2493: Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons: The Girl Who Flirted

So lost, I'm fading

photo credit: Greyframe So lost, I’m fading viaphotopin (license)

The assistant curator of the Manhatten Museum asks Mr. Keen to find a young female art copyist.

Original Air Date: February 3, 1944

Support the show monthly at:

Support the show on a one-time basis at:

Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

Take the listener survey…

Give us a call 208-991-4783

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EP2487: Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons: The Case of Mr. Trevor’s Secret

So lost, I'm fading

photo credit: Greyframe So lost, I’m fading viaphotopin (license)

Mr. Keen is called in by the owner of a war plant to find a missing chemical engineer.

Original Air Date: February 17, 1944

Support the show monthly at

Support the show on a one-time basis at

Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

Take the listener survey…

Give us a call 208-991-4783

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EP2481: Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons: The Case of the Boy Who Used Big Words

So lost, I'm fading

photo credit: Greyframe So lost, I’m fading viaphotopin (license)

A boy comes to Mr. Keen concerned about his uncle’s strange behavior. Mr. Keen doesn’t take the case and the boy’s uncle is murdered and the boy disappears.

Original Air Date: February 10, 1944

Support the show monthly at

Support the show on a one-time basis at

Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

Take the listener survey…

Give us a call 208-991-4783

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EP2475: Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons: The Case of a Girl Who Sang Too Well

So lost, I'm fading

photo credit: Greyframe So lost, I’m fading viaphotopin (license)

Mr. Keen investigates the disappearance of a singer from a theater.

Original Air Date: January 20, 1944

Support the show monthly at

Support the show on a one-time basis at

Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

EP2469: Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons: The Case of the Missing Witness

So lost, I'm fading

photo credit: Greyframe So lost, I’m fading viaphotopin (license)

Mr. Keen investigates the murder of a fashion queen’s daughter.

Original Air Date: January 13, 1944

Support the show monthly at

Support the show on a one-time basis at

Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715

Take the listener survey…

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